Project: It’s Mine is on hold.

What is Project: It’s Mine? It’s a upcoming game where you are a game collector, and you collect games! It’s a small side thing I’ll try to do whenever I get free-time, but I will quickly discuss the current process of building this game.

Lovingly made with….

I’m using RPG Maker to build the project, and since I’m not good with art, I’ll probably end up using the Futuristic Assets provided. My reasoning for RPG Maker is because I want to really work on a project for it and design something interesting.


Well, I’m not that entirely knowledgeable with programming, and I’d like to try learning how to build games with this engine.

How does the game play out?

The problem with the current idea/design of the game is it’s main goal. The main goal is to attain nearly 180 video games (all parodies of actual video games), but the determining of how this will work or how you’ll attain this will be…. difficult to work around.

The main concept of the game is that your character plays through various days where they need to find various ways to earn money so they can buy games from the shop. You can work, purchase games, sell games, so you can get more games!

When can I play it? Will it cost money?

I’ll answer the second and say….hell no. For something that is going to be my first project with RPG Maker (That I’ll release online), it’d be stupid for me to price this. I’ll probably release a very early demo/build of the game that will have the basic mechanics set in, but a date for this is unknown.

Why are you making this?

I want to do it as a kind of crash course for RPG Maker and games in general. It’ll definitely show that it isn’t the most artistically best looking or has the best looking effort in a RPG Maker game, but it’ll definitely be something I can show to people and be like “Hey, I made this!”. The inspiration actually came from a comment from Lazy Game Reviews, who stated he’d be interested in a thrift shopping game.

I’ll answer questions provided in the comments below regarding about this side-project!