
Nikoback Reviews and stupid things

Logo totally not made with something cheap


Cool stuff

Comet 2015 is LIVE

Announcing Comet 2015, MeltingComet’s last hurrah of 2015 and a huge retrospective and short list of recommendations for amazing games!

Throughout the next two weeks, I’ll be going over some things in retrospective! Hot Gaming Topics, Mobile ventures, and of course, my favorite games. Sit down, grab some hot chocolate, and enjoy the next two weeks of Comet Content!

Click here for more information!

More content is going for MeltingComet this Holiday! 😉

Emily is Away Achievements guide!

Just whipped this up, if you need a companion or a simple answer as to how you can unlock the easy achievements in the game, look no further!

Currently a work-in-progress, will be given a full revamp later!

My review of Emily is Away is currently on my Steam Profile, if you want to see my verdict on it. Ciao!

Regarding my content on MeltingComet, expecting it to jump back up soon in about a week!

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