
Nikoback Reviews and stupid things

Logo totally not made with something cheap

MeltingComet WordPress: Hiatus is now on hiatus due to a lack of content. I’m still doing reviews and stuff, however, so don’t worry about that!

Check out my antics on twitter at @comet_melting, and check out my new site:

My future reviews will also be found on Lots’ O Giveaways’ Steam Group. The curations made by Rip are the reviews I made!

Maybe the site will come back in the future? Who knows.


Also Video Game Ventures is not gonna happen so uh sorry

First Impressions – Obliteracers

Check my First Impressions of the chaotic kart-racing game here:

This is not a final review, as various aspects (Such as it’s single-player and online) have not been experienced or evaluated as much yet. The game is currently out now to buy, so fi you want to play it, go give it a shot!

In case you haven’t, you can check out my review for Manyland! I also announced a game, which you can view it’s website at


Super Intergalactic Gang Review at LOG – Nikoback Reviews

I made a review on a game! Check it out here!

It’s not exactly high quality, but what it’s quality shines at is being absolute fun.

A future review on another game will be up maybe by the end of this week.

The Division Beta – It’s all fine

I was, and still am highly skeptical of Tom Clancy’s The Division. It’s got the potential, definitely. I like the futuristic aesthetic and the concept of it’s cooperative play, but ever since they showed the game at E3, it’s becoming hard to tell what’s really going to be a part of the final product, or what looks like a marketing mess.

Continue reading “The Division Beta – It’s all fine”

I’m making a game?! – Comet Mix

I’m developing a game called Comet Mix! If you follow me on various social media stuff plus forums, you might already know what the game is about. But for now, it’s a secret to everybody. It’ll be fully announced in the Summer with hopefully a small demo build, and production will begin shortly after I finish working on This is… Video Games 2015 MIX.

It’ll be loosely hinted somewhere in Video Game Ventures, which will get it’s next chapter next week! Or the week after, idk.

If you haven’t already, you can check out my latest game reviews!

MeltingComet REVIEWS – Rocket League/That Dragon, Cancer

Since I’ve joined Lots’ O Giveaways, I’ve made two reviews on two separate games! Check em out.

Rocket League

Rocket League is a energetic and satisfying game that feels more like soccer then games like Fifa. And that’s weird.

That Dragon, Cancer

A personal experience that nails it’s premise on a artistic level. I appreciate and adore the fact that both Amy and Ryan Green were brave and strong enough to share their story, in something beautiful and so memorable. Definitely play.

My full reviews are currently not going to be published on my site, but I will be linking them from Steam from this point forward.


Enjoy, and happy snowstorm!


Quick Update (New Project, Reviews><)

I’d like to announce a few things, just quickly!

Continue reading “Quick Update (New Project, Reviews><)”

Comet 2015: F2P Mobile Games

One year begins, another one ends. 2015 has been a great year for games, filled with titles that have defied the genre, and big juicy stories that have torn across subreddits and newsfeeds. Gaming could never be bigger, and so much smaller.

For this year, we’re doing short review/retrospectives on the past games that came out (Or just any game that caught my attention), and which ones are my favorite. We’re starting with mobile games. Each game will be given a scale out of 5 stars, which is something I normally don’t do with reviews. Most of the titles here are free-to-play games.

(This is UNDER CONSTRUCTION: The post will be given pictures to complement the titles later).

Fallout Shelter

Welcome Home.

  • iOS/Android, F2P, Bethesda Game Studios

Fallout Shelter was a big surprise at E3 2015. A free-to-play vault sim from the massively popular franchise that takes a unique spin on things. While it’s great the game doesn’t push it’s microtransactions too hard, the game slows down in progression once you unlock all of the buildings and have amassed 100+ vault dwellers. There simply isn’t too much content for staying, and that’s a absolute shame. It’s one of those games you’ll pick up and play for about a month, then put down for awhile. It’s still highly addictive and something I still highly recommend. It’s just not that great of a game.

2015 Rating: ***

Final Fantasy: Record Keeper

Fantasy on the Go

  • iOS/Android, F2P, DeNA games

DeNA does not exactly have a good track record when it comes to mobile, since a lot of their games consist of the typical japanese mobile game model. But Record Keeper happens to be so much more. Microtransactions don’t feel too important and it’s got an insane amount of depth like a FF game. It’s UI is somewhat clunky and the Auto ability basically turns it into a idle game a lot of the time, but it’s still a great pick-up for FF fans.

2015 Rating: ****

Sonic Runners

Sanic slows down from microtransactions

  • iOS/Android, F2P, Sonic Team

Oh ho ho boy, here we go. Sonic Runners is actually a really fun game. Botched by horrible F2P mechanics and generally being a outright broken mess of a game. It’s prone to cheating, is unoptimized as hell, and it’s way of unlocking characters is about as bad and annoying as gambling. It is quite frankly incredibly frustrating to play. On the surface, there’s a really cool game here, but it’s hard to see that now. Stay clear unless you really need a Sonic game to fill your quench this year.

2015 Rating: *

Rayman Adventures

Rayman slows down but still rises from microtransactions

  • iOS, F2P, Ubisoft

Like Sonic, Rayman has been in a complete drought of games for awhile, and his only recent game is now the mobile platformer “Rayman Adventures”.

It is surprisingly not horrible. It’s a bite-sized version of Rayman Legends, and while is stoked with the typical Ubisoft bullshit you see in most games, is a fun game with stellar presentation. There’s no energy system and for the most part the game’s main currency (which comes in low quantity a lot of the time) is not needed at all to “improve your stats” and is only for buying additional boosters. It does piss me off that this requires always online-play, this would be a great game to play on the bus!

2015 Rating: ****

Mortal Kombat X

Crappy Mobile Version of OK fighter

  • iOS, F2P, Netherrealm Studios

I like the card aspect of MKX on mobile. It’s interesting, addictive, and it kept me going for about a few weeks. But the combat is so dreadful (Since there’s literally like zero combos) and so bare bones that it’s really hard to enjoy. The Injustice Mobile game had more combos then this, and that’s quite frankly terrifying. Give it a shot if you want, but if you are expecting a good Mortal Kombat game, well prepare to be disappointed. And slightly annoyed.

2015 Rating: **

Assassin’s Creed: Identity

Viva la Australians

  • iOS, F2P, Ubishit

So if you’re wondering, you can only play this game if you downloaded it from the Australian/New Zealand App Store. Been in softlaunch since 2014.

Which certainly doesn’t excuse it from being critiqued

First of all, as expected by Ubisoft, it’s a pretty buggy mess. Softlaunch or not, this is still somewhat inexcusable. Like Rayman Adventures, it tries to be a bite-sized version of Assassin’s Creed, and that’s not bad at all, but it still needs major improvement. For one, controlling your character is a hassle, with them clinging/climbing to walls you didn’t want them to or going in the most annoying direction possible if you’re using the “tap” mode to direct them. The microtransactions are somewhat bothersome but don’t detract from the main experience, since the actual game is too easy. What hooks is that after you finish the 10 levels in the game, you unlock Heroic Mode, which gives you bonuses upon completing random contracts. As repetitive as it is, it does give some good incentive to get a bunch of common loot, turn that loot to one piece of uncommon loot, and then contribute that to max up gear.

There’s zip content as of now, which hopefully changes later on. Not a bad game, but definitely not worth making a freaking itunes account for Australia

2014-2015 Rating: ***

Comet 2015 is LIVE

Announcing Comet 2015, MeltingComet’s last hurrah of 2015 and a huge retrospective and short list of recommendations for amazing games!

Throughout the next two weeks, I’ll be going over some things in retrospective! Hot Gaming Topics, Mobile ventures, and of course, my favorite games. Sit down, grab some hot chocolate, and enjoy the next two weeks of Comet Content!

Click here for more information!

More content is going for MeltingComet this Holiday! 😉

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